How to pass matric final exams

Step 1: Do not be thrown off track if one of your papers did not go well – Stop stressing about the subjects you’ve already written.

Step 2: Review your study roster – Every little bit of effort will pay off, and make you more confident when you enter the exam room

Step 3: Develop a daily routine and eat the frog – It is very important to decide on a daily routine and stick to it.

Step 4: After each paper, get right back in the saddle – Spend too much time relaxing, aim to take a short breather only, and then immediately shift your focus to the next paper. Review a chapter or two to get your mindset instantly on the right track.

Step 5: Tune out all noise and distractions – Switch off your mobile phone and any other devices while you are studying, and do not study in front of the television.

Step 6: Practise saying no – There will be time enough for fun when you’re done. While it is good to socialise a little bit during this time, just to stay in touch with the real world, the limited time you have available for studies should be jealously guarded.

Step 7: Stay balanced – Make time for exercise, get enough sleep, and try to keep your diet healthy and balanced.

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