Sefako Makgatho University (SMU) Application Status for Admission (Check / Track)

Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University (SMU) website also provides a means for students to apply for admission at SMU in the next academic year and they can also track their SMU Application Status.
Do you want to study at Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University (SMU)? Did you applied to study at SMU in the next academic year? If Yes, check your SMU application status below.
Here are the step by step guide to check or track your SMU Application Status:
Go to and fill the online form and choose prospective student and admission:
SMU Contact Details
Physical Address:
Molotlegi Street
Ga-Rankuwa, Pretoria,
Postal Address:
P.O Box 60
Medunsa, 0204
Phone: (012) 521-4111
Fax: (012) 560-0086