Development Support, Public Entities
- Assists with coordination and m onitoring of funded Project.
- S erve as a secretary for projects meetings
- Compile submissions , Reports and Memos
- Assist with o versight, Monitoring & Evaluating and c ompliance report s
- Assist in compiling and analysing financial reports.
N Dip / Degree: Administration, Financial Management , Development Studies, AccountingRef No: CFO / 2018 / 01 |
Office of the CFO
- Assist with preparations of financial reports on Departmental Development fund.
- Generic front office management and reception services, filing, records management and administrative functions.
- Perform ad – hoc duties as maybe delegated from time to time in the directorate
N Dip / B.Com: Office Management or Filling, Administration, Accounting.Ref No: CFO / 2018 / 02 |
Compliance , Internal Audit
- Assist with p lan ning and execute audits
- Assist with the design of audit programmes
- Assist with compliance verification / testing and monitoring.
- Assist with performing ad – hoc tasks relevant to compliance.
N Dip / Degree / Compliance, Internal AuditingRef No: CFO / 2018 / 03 |
Financial Services
- Capturing journals on BAS
- Processing PTMS on PERSAL System and BAS
- Processing of expenditure transactions; processing of debts transactions; Payroll management; Cash flow and budgeting
- Provide financial and administrative support to projects.
N Dip / Degree / Finance with Accounting,Ref No: CFO / 2018 / 04 |
Supply Chain Management , Assets Management
- Sourcing of price quotation
- Processing of orders and payments
- Filling of Supply Chain Management documents
- Ordering, Travel and Accommodation, Logistics, Transit, Receiving of requisitions, selecting suppliers from CSD (Central Supplier Database).
N Dip / Degree: Logistics, Purchasing M anagement , Public Admin, Supply Chain, Asset Management, FinanceRef No: CFO / 2018 / 05 |
Planning Policy & Strategy |
Research Coordination, Monitoring and Evaluation
- Desktop Research, Report Writing, Recording Minutes and Management of research projects
- Logistical Planning, Secretarial Support and Administrative Support
- Conduct internet re searches
- Undertake literature reviews Master’s Degree: Social Sciences (Education) ,
N Dip / Degree: Public AdminRef No: P / 2018 / 06 |
Career Deve lopment Services and Open Learning
- Assist with the maintenance of various CDS projects budget
- Assist with analysis of financial information for CDS
- Assist with the m anagement of CDS assets
- Assist with the d evelop ment of APP’s for Career Development Services and Open Learning.
N Dip / Degree: Financial Management, AuditingRef No: P / 2018 / 07 |
System Monitoring & Economic Analysis
- Provide Office Administration
Provide secretariat services Degree: Economics, Econometrics, Statistics & Mathematics.Ref No: P / 2018 / 08 |
Legal and Legislative Service for Education Institutions
- Provide logistical support to meetings , compile agenda, take minutes and arranging refreshments
- Assist with legal advisory services, drafting of legal documents and legal research
Degree: LLBRef No: P / 2018 / 09 |
Information System Coordination
- Manage small projects and assist with development of information standard
- Provide secretariat services in the directorate meetings
- Perform ad – hoc duties as maybe delegated from time to time in the directorate
N Dip / Bachelor’s Degree: Public / Admin / Office Management, Public AdminRef No: P / 2018 / 10 |
Global Partnership, African Middle East
- A ssist with the necessary logistical and programmatic preparations to receive and host local and international guests
- P erform general tasks as and when requested by the Deputy Director and Assistant Director
- A ssist the personal assistant with ensuring the Director’s office operations are carried out efficiently
BA Degree / BA Hon. International Relations or major in PoliticsRef No: P / 2018 / 11 |
Strategic Coordination & Secretarial Supp ort, Social Inclusion & Equity
- Assist in the development and compilation of the department annual performance plan
- Assist in collation of strategic and performance inputs from B ranches
- Assist with facilitat ion provisioning of stationary and office equipme nt
N Dip / BA Degree: Management Assistant or Admin, Public AdminRef No: P / 201 8 / 12 |
University Education |
Financial and Physical Planning
- A ssist in one or more of the sections dealing with earmarked grants i.e. infrastructure, clinical training , vat science, HDI development grant
- Assist with the evaluation of clinical training grants reports from universities
- Assist with submissions to release funds
N Dip / BA Degree: Accounting, Public Finance, InfrastructureRef No: UE / 2018 / 13 |
Office of the DDG
- Provide administrative support in the office of the DDG, including the following: – Conduct research on the HE System – Support various research projects – Report writing and develop briefings
Honours Degree: Arts, Social Science , EducationRef No: UE / 2018 / 14 |
Private Higher Education Institutions
- Information Management
- Production of Certificates.
- Evaluation and annual reports
N Dip / Degree: Management, Economic, Social SciencesRef No: UE / 2018 / 15 |
- Teaching &Leaning Development and Teaching Qualification & Policy
- Capturing registration information into a relevant database
- Sorting evaluated qualification in alpha numerical order
- Arranging travelling and accommodation for the manager
N Dip / Bachelor’s Degree: Business or Office Admin, Public AdminRef No: UE / 2018 / 16 |
TVET Infrastructure Development Programme
- Project Support, Prepare for meetings, Review Reports, Compile Reports, Office Support, Filling, Record Keeping, Writing Minutes
N Dip / Degree: Project ManagementRef No: TVET / 2018 / 17 |
Financial Planning
- Budget planning , Management, Monitoring and Reporting
- Financial statement analysis and reporting
- Funding norms development and implementation
- Assist with the m anage ment of data collection processes
- Develop and analyse data and compile reports
- Assist with the management of the cash flow statements of the Directorate
- Assist with the processing of S&T and cell phone claims. Financial Accounting, Economics & Econometrics Ref No: TVET / 2018 / 18 |
Planning and Institutional Support
- Administer and monitor the directorate’s financial system in line with the Department financial system in order to ensure that the directorate finances are maintained in an accurate and timely manner
- Provide office administration support to the Directorate, including fi ling, tracking and processing of documents and correspondence.
- Organise and Co ordinate meetings, conferences and travel arrangements. N Dip / Bach Degree: Public Admin, Financial Management
- Ref No: TVET / 2018 / 19
Public TVET Colleges
- Database management for the Chief Directorate
- Compile and submit travel claims, cell phone claims, subsistence and travel claims.
- Assist with the management of the filling system of the Directorate and retrieval of document as and when required
- Provide administrative support to the Directorate in order to ensure that the Directorate’s administrative functions are performed well.
N Dip / Degree / Bach: Public Admin, Management, Database Management, Business Studies Ref No: TVET / 2018 / 20 |
Communication and Media Liaison and Call Centre & Clients Service
- Respond to enquiries / queries through Call Centre, fax and email.
- Assist to manage DHET social media platform
- Office administration ( i.e. Couriering Branding bookings for travelling’s, Procuring stationary, procuring communication equipment , Procuring Branding.
- Assist with the monitoring of internal communication platforms (i.e. notice board monitoring)
N Dip / Degree: Communications, Public Relations, Graphic Design, Journalism, Marketing Management Ref No: CS / 2018 / 21 |
Government Information Technology Office
- Provide transversal system (BAS, PERSAL and LOGIS) support
- Assist in the administration of the entire Microsoft network environment
- Installation and maintenance of network infrastructure and software
N Dip / Degree: IT, BSc, Computer Science Ref No: CS / 2018 / 22 |
Facilities Management and Logistics Services
- Assist wit h the management of transport, GG vehicles and other facilities management duties
- Render effective and efficient registry services
- Payment of private and state owned and municipal services
- Prepare document and files for filing including opening and closing of files
N Dip / Degree: Facilities, Property Management, Public Management, Project Management Ref No: CS / 2018 / 23 |
Human Resource Administration ,Management & Development
- Assi st with the coordination of Recruitment and Selection process es i.e. capturing applications, shortlisting and interviews.
- Assist with capturing of information on the PERSAL SYSTEM
- Assist in coordinating Internship, Security Learnership and WIL Programme
- Capturing of performance management form s on both PERSAL System and Departmental spread sheet e.g. (Performance agreement , Quarterly reviews and Annual Assessments
- Assist with the bursary audit process and capturing of applications on database
- Quality checking of all PMDS documents to ensure compliance with Departmental PMDS Policy for employees
- Assist with administration and coordination of Skills Development unit
N Dip / Degree: Human Resource Management & Development, Public Administration, Records / Office ManagementRef No: CS / 2018 / 24 |
Labour Relations & Wellness
- Assist with counselling and referrals
- Assist with advocacy of EHW programmes and services
- Assist with the Psycho – Social Intervention
- Assist with handling of grievances and misconduct
- Assist with coordination of collective bargaining and negotiations
N Dip / Degree / B Tech: Labour Relations, laws, Office Admin / Secretarial, Psychology / WellnessRef No: CS / 2018 / 25 |
Office of the Director – General / Deputy Director General: CS / Chief Director HRM&D
- Risk Management or fraud Prevention activities, Secretarial function of the risk Management committee and administration support
- Generic front office management and reception services, filing, records management and other ad – hoc administrative functions.
- Handling of confidential documents and Responding to enquiries.
- Assist with incoming and outgoing of correspondence
- Scan files and Hyperlinking of documents.
- Administrative support
N Dip / Degree: Public / Admin / Office Management, Management Assistant , Risk Management, Auditing / Accounting / Forensic Auditing Ref No: CS / 2018 / 26 |
National Skills Fund / Work Integrated Learning
- Assisting managers with projects administration
- Assisting Directorates with office administration duties
- Sorting of data from SETAs, UoT’s and TVET
- Managing the incoming and outgoing of data to stakeholders.
- Assisting with compilation of claims
- Assist to design relevant audit procedures for planned audits.
- Assisting with execution of audits as per the internal audit plan , in accordance with internal audit methodology and International Standards of Internal Audit.
- Assist with the conducting of legal research and provide legal advice including drafting legal opinions
- Assist with ensuring compliance to risk management policies, procedures and systems
- Update the risk register, compliance report and central litigation and investment register.
- Assist with maintaining of accurate weekly time-sheets and monitoring hours spend against available budget and provide regular reports.
N Dip / Degree: Public / Office / Admin Management, Project / Financial Management, Information Technology, Legal Assistance, Communication, Public Relation, Data Capture, Supply Chain Management, Auditing, Management Assistant, Research Ref No: SD / 2018 / 27 |
National Skills Authority
- Assist with the marketing and communication strategies
- Coordinate NSA advocacy activities
- Assist with the management of Social Media Platforms.
- Assist with the coordination of NSA events
N Dip / Honours Degree: Information System, Marketing / Communication Ref No: SD / 2018 / 28 |
Institutional Development Support, Programme Curriculum, Development and Assessment
- Assist with the m onitor ing and report on CD Budget
- Arrange, prepare for and record proceedings of meetings
- Assist with p rocurement and logistics
N Dip / Degree: Office Management / AdministrationRef No: CET / 2018 / 29 |
Regional offices and Colleges (E Cape, N Cape, W Cape, N W, Mpumalanga, Limpopo, F S, KZN & Gauteng).
- Office management and administration support
- Assist the CETC directorate with distribution, collection and capturing of annual and snap surveys.
- Assist the CET directorate procurement matters
- Assist with making traveling arrangements
- Assist in the administration of the entire Microsoft network environment
- Installation and maintenance of network infrastructure and software
- Assist with preparations for financial reports
- Processing of expenditure transactions; processing of debts transactions;
N Dip / Degree: Public / Office Administration, Human Resources Management, Finance , Town Planning / Quantity Surveying, Information Management, IT Specialist, Accounting, Data Management, Management Assistant.Ref No: CET / 2018 / 30 |