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JB Marks Education Trust Fund: Bursaries 2025

JB Marks Education Trust Fund invites students to submit applications for the Bursary Programme for the academic year 2025.

Bursary application closing date: 1 July 2024

Bursaries will be awarded to NUM members and their dependents (children or spouse).

Every year, the JB Marks Education Trust Fund awards bursaries to NUM members and their dependents, for studies towards undergraduate and postgraduate qualifications. Each year, around 200 bursaries are awarded for undergraduate studies and around 50 bursaries are awarded for postgraduate studies.

The value of the bursary will be determined by 2 main factors: availability of funds and the students field of study.

Successful candidates will be contacted with an acceptance letter (via physical delivery, post or email), as well as to all NUM national branches. If you do not receive any correspondence or acceptance letter by 31 January 2025, and your name is not on the NUM regional list, regard your application as unsuccessful.

Please note the following terms and conditions before applying:

  • The bursary award can NOT be used to pay off existing study loans or debts.
  • If students drop out of their studies within the first 6 months, they will be required to pay back the bursary.
  • If students change their course of study or their institution after the bursary has been awarded, the bursary will be immediately withdrawn.
  • If students receive study funding from any other source, the bursary award will be cancelled and the student will be required to pay back the bursary.


Applicants must satisfy the following minimum entry criteria before applying (please note that failure to satisfy all the requirements will lead to your application not being considered):

  • You must be a NUM member OR a dependent of a NUM member (including children and spouses)
  • You must be studying towards an undergraduate or postgraduate qualification (postgraduate funding is only available to NUM members who have never been funded by the Trust)
  • You must be studying at a recognised and registered public tertiary institution in South Africa (University, University of Technology or College – students from private institutes will NOT be funded)
  • You must NOT currently be in receipt of any other funding

How to apply

Applications must be submitted online at: JB Marks Education Trust Fund Bursary Application 2025

Submit clear copies of the following supporting documentation along with your online application (the submission of these documents is compulsory – if any items are missing, your application may be disqualified):

  • Applicants ID document (certified copy)
  • Most recent results: Matric or tertiary (certified copy)
  • NUM Members ID document (certified copy)
  • NUM Members latest payslip
  • Proof of acceptance from your institution (on institutions letterhead)
  • Proof of dependency if applicants surname is different from the NUM member (Abridged Birth Certificate/ Clinic Immunization Card/ Magistrate Guardianship letter/ Medical Aid Beneficiary Certificate/ Marriage Certificate)

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