Internships SA

Southern Centre for Inequality Studies at Wits: Internships 2023

The Southern Centre for Inequality Studies (SCIS) invites graduates to apply for Internship Programme 2023.

Internship Application Closing Date: 16 February 2023

Internship Location: Parktown, Gauteng

Opportunity: Internship programme X 4

The Southern Centre for Inequality Studies (SCIS) is an interdisciplinary research centre located in the Faculty of Commerce, Law and Management, whose work focuses on understanding and addressing inequality in the global South.

The SCIS has established an internship programme for graduate students at Wits University. Successful internship applicants will assist with both research, and aspects of project and operations management. Successful interns will be flexible, innovative, and proactive, with the ability to work in a diverse team.

For 2023, we have four internship opportunities in the following projects:
– Climate and Inequality (6 months)
– Public Economies (3 months)
– Post-Covid Economic Recovery (6 months)
– Urban innovation & Inequality (6 months)


  • Registered for a post-graduate qualification at Wits University;
  • Have a background in economics, climate change, development studies, urban planning, or a relevant degree;
  • Interested in supporting research on sustainability and inequality in an academic or policy context;
  • Interested in developing project management and administrative skills with an interest in the work of the SCIS;
  • Knowledge and experience of research skills (quantitative and qualitative) and research software preferred;
  • Be highly motivated, able to work with limited supervision and able to manage different stakeholders (internally and externally).
  • SCIS internships are paid, part-time internships in accordance with the rules of the University. The posts are for fixed term internships, which may be renewed subject to performance and availability of funding.

How to apply

To submit applications and for more information, please send an email to: .

When submitting your application, indicate this in the subject line reference clearly
as follows: Climate and Inequality OR Public Economies OR Post-Covid Economic
Recovery OR Urban Innovation and Inequality.

Applications should include the following:
1. A covering letter motivating why you have the necessary qualifications,
skills and experience for this position as well as the names and contact
details of 2 referees;
2. A detailed CV;
3. Proof of registration.
Deadline: 16 February 2023

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