Letaba TVET College: Learnerships 2018 / 19 in Tzaneen
Letaba TVET College invites unemployed South Africans who are between the ages of 18-35 to apply for the 2018/19 Learnership Programme. Successful candidates will receive a stipend of R 2 500.00 per month for N6 Interns and a stipend of R 2 250.00 will be paid to NCV level 4 Interns.
Learnership Application deadline is 03 April 2018, Time: 13h00.
Learnership Provider: Letaba TVET College
Learnership Location : Tzaneen, Limpopo
Successful candidates will receive a stipend as follows:
- Plant Production Learnership NQF L4 (25 Learners) – R 2 500.00 per month for twelve months
- Welding Learnership NQF L2 (20 Learners) – R 2 500.00 per month for twelve months
- Basic Paving Skills Development (30 Learners) – R 1 500.00 per month for 6 months
- New Venture Creation Skills Programme (30 Learners) – R 1 500.00 per month for 6 months
Preference will be given to former Letaba TVET College students and People with disabilities.
How to apply
Please forward your application, quoting the Reference Number to: The Principal, Letaba TVET College, Private Bag X4017, Tzaneen, 0850 or Hand deliver at: 1 Claude Wheatley Street, Tzaneen, Reception area.