Magalies Water: Bursaries 2022

Magalies Water invites South African students to apply for Bursary Programme 2022 academic year.
Bursary Application Closing date is 30 November 2021
Magalies Water as part of the youth development initiative, invites young South Africans (from the ages of 18 to 35 years) who are eligible to study at any accredited and registered South African institution of higher learning in the following fields of study:
- ND / B Degree: Mechanical Engineering (2)
- ND / B Degree: Electrical Engineering (2)
- ND / B Degree Civil Engineering (2)
- ND / BTech: Water Care (3)
- ND / B Degree: Chemistry /Analytical Chemistry (2)
- ND / B Degree: Biotechnology / Microbiology (2)
Considerations for the final selection and preference will be given to:
- Previously disadvantaged individuals,
- People with disabilities and females
- South African Citizens,
- Individuals residing within the Magalies Water areas of operation
Bursaries are available to South African citizens who have achieved an average of 65% at the tertiary institution.
How to apply
Download Magalies Water Application Form (pdf)
Completed application forms with certified copies of the Matric Certificate, ID Copy, Parents’ proof of Income and proof of residents should be emailed to: Incomplete applications will be rejected.
Should you not receive correspondence from Magalies Water within 30 days from the closing date, please accept that your bursary application has been unsuccessful.