Online applications for Nelson Mandela University

Nelson Mandela University online application forms
Application for study at the Nelson Mandela University are open online and for paper based application.
Application for admission to Postgraduate (PhD, Master’s Degree, Honours Degree) and Undergraduate (Bachelor’s, Diploma and Certificates) programmes at Nelson Mandela University.
To use the online application system you will need internet access, as well as email address that you can access regularly because as soon as you submit your online application, a student number will be sent to this email address as confirmation of receipt. Check the list of closing dates supplied below to make sure you submit your application on time.
How to apply to Nelson Mandela University
- Go to:
- Fill in the form accordingly and submit the form.
Nelson Mandela University Online Application Closing Dates for Undergraduate Programme:
- Early closing date: 03 August 2020
- Late closing date: 30 September 2020
Your application form must be accompanied by:
- a copy of your final Grade 11 exam results or;
- the most recent Grade 12 (June/Sept) exam results (no March results), or
- a copy of your matriculation certificate/statement of results if you have already passed Grade 12/completed schooling,
- copies of your diploma/degree certificates plus academic record(s) and certificate(s) of conduct if you have studied elsewhere,
- a copy of your ID (birth certificate if still waiting for ID),
- a copy of the identity document of your parent/legal guardian/surety,
- declaration by your parent / legal guardian / surety if you are a dependent, or currently at school, or studying at a tertiary institution, or have recently left school and do/will not have permanent employment when applying or studying at the university.