Letaba TVET College: Learnerships 2021

Letaba TVET College invites unemployed graduates to apply for Learnership Programme 2021.
Learnership Application Closing Date : 31 May 2021
Learnership Location: Tzaneen, Limpopo
Letaba TVET College invites South African unemployed graduates who are between the ages of 18-35 to apply for the 2021/22 Workplace Programme.
The successful applicants will receive the stipend of R2500.00 per month.
Marketing x 01
Ref Number: LET 02/2021
N6: Marketing Management
Management Assistant x 16
Ref Number: LET 03/2021
N6: Management Assistant
Financial Services x 4
Ref Number: LET 04/2021
N6: Financial Management
Human Resource Administration, Management and Development x 6
Ref Number: LET 05/2021
N6: Human Resource Management
Business Management x 5
Ref Number: LET 06/2021
N6: Business Management
How to apply
Please forward your application, quoting the reference number to: The Principal, Letaba TVET College, Private Bag X4017, Tzaneen 0850 or Hand Deliver at 1 Claude Wheatly Street. Tzaneen. Reception area.
Attach the below documents:
- Z83 form
- CV
- ID
- Certified copies of qualifications