SA Bursaries

Old Mutual Education Trust (OMET): Bursaries 2022

Old Mutual Education Trust (OMET) invites student to apply for Bursary Programme 2022 academic year.

Bursary Application Closing Date: 31 July 2021

The Old Mutual Education Trust (OMET) was established by Old Mutual in 2005, as part of a BBBEE transaction with 10 unions the company has a business relationship with. The aim of the bursary programme is to empower Old Mutual’s business partners (trade unions) members and their dependents of, who are amoungst the most disadvantaged people in South Africa.

The Trust is governed and operated by Old Mutual and the trade unions through an independently registered trust. The OMET is able to provide tertiary education scholarships by using dividends from the Old Mutual plc shares it holds.

Participating trade unions include:

  • Democratic Nursing Organisation of South Africa (DENOSA)
  • National Teachers Union (NATU)
  • National Education Health and Allied Workers Union (NEHAWU)
  • National Union of Mineworkers (NUM)
  • Professional Educators Union (PEU)
  • Police and Prisons’ Civil Rights Union (POPCRU)
  • South African Chemical Workers Union (SACWU)
  • South African Catering Commercial Allied Workers Union (SACCAWU)
  • South African Democratic Teachers Union (SADTU)
  • South African Society of Bank Officials (SASBO)

The Old Mutual Education Trust (OMET) are inviting students who are members (or are related to members) of participating trade unions, to apply for the bursary programme. The bursary is available for studies in ANY field, towards an undergraduate Degree, BTech or Diploma.

The bursary will be awarded based on the following criteria: academic ability (most important criteria), followed by the field of study, financial need and gender.

The bursary provide partial financial cover, up to a maximum value of R65 000, for study-related expenses (such as registration fees, tuition fees, prescribed books, study materials, accommodation, meals and a transport allowance). Bursary recipients will also receive tutoring support, a computer (1st year entrants only), peer buddy support system by senior students (for 1st year students only), support for students who require 2 weeks’ vacation work during holidays (for full-time students only), full mentorship programme delivered by OMET Alumni (for final year students only), student support programme with focus on academic success, psychological/ emotional well-being and preparation for the world of work, and graduates will also be transitioned into OMET’s Alumni programme where they will continue as mentors and motivators to current students.


Applicants must satisfy the following minimum entry criteria before applying (please note that failure to satisfy all the requirements will lead to your application not being considered):

  • You must be studying towards a tertiary qualification (full-time, part-time or distance-learning)
  • You must be studying towards a first-time undergraduate qualification in ANY field of study (Degree, Diploma or BTech)
  • You must be studying at a recognised University in South Africa

Applicants must also satisfy any ONE of these criteria to apply:

  • Be a member or staff member of a participating trade union
  • Be a spouse of a member or living with a member or employee in a relationship like a marriage
  • Be a child (including adopted child or a stepchild) of a member or staff member AND be under 25 years old
  • Be a grandchild or child of the member or be a staff member under 25 years old AND be financially dependent on the member

How to apply

Applications must be submitted online at:

Please note: the application form works best in Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge browser.

Submit clear copies of the following supporting documentation along with your online application (the submission of these documents is compulsory – if any items are missing, your application may be disqualified):

  • ID document (certified copy)
  • ID document of member (certified copy)
  • Proof of relation to member (birth certificate, marriage certificate, affidavit etc)
  • Full academic record (on tertiary letterhead)


  • Applications are open from 1 June to 31 July 2021.
  • All information submitted will be verified between August and September 2021.
  • The Selection Committee audit process will take place in October 2021.
  • Proposed candidates will be presented to the OMET Board for approval in November 2021.
  • Finally, successful applicants will be notified between December 2021 and January 2022.

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