Saaberie Chishty Society: Zakaat Bursaries 2023

Saaberie Chishty Society invites South African student to apply for Zakaat Bursary Programme 2023 academic year.
Bursary Application Closing Date: 23 January 2023
The Saaberie Chishty Society is pleased to announce that the Zakaat Bursary Programme for 2023 is officially open for learners wishing to pursue tertiary studies at any accredited institution within South Africa.
As a non-profit humanitarian organisation it is our duty to invest in the future of our country and this Zakaat Bursary Programme ensures that those learners with potential are not prohibited due to lack of funds.
The Zakaat programme is available to all learners nationally that meet the following requirements:
* The learner and/or learners family qualifies for Zakaat.
* The learner has received university acceptance.
* The learner is without funding for the 2023 academic year.
Learners will have until the 23rd of January 2023 to submit their applications along with their supporting documents to be considered.
Zakaat Eligibility
The description below is meant to highlight and conscientise the applicant and the applicant’s family as to who may apply and qualifies for a Zakaat Bursary. It is meant to raise moral/ethical issues in the hearts and minds of the applicant and applicant’s family. We apologise in advance if we offend anyone in the process. However, as the onus or burden of proof of eligibility to receive Zakaat rests with the applicant and the applicant’s family. It is important that both the applicant and the applicant’s family read and understand the information below, before submitting the application form.
The Saaberie Chishty Society is committed to the upliftment and social welfare of the community. This is realised through several development programmes undertaken by us. However, the primary target group in this regard are those that society in general have forgotten or neglected and whom are generally described as “poverty stricken” individuals/families, i.e. the unemployed, those with menial or low paying jobs and those with insufficient income.
The Shari’ah has identified eight categories of recipients of Zakaat, namely:
- The poor
- The needy
- The administrators of Zakaat
- The reverts
- Those in debt
- Those in bondage
- Those (striving) in the path of Allah
- The wayfarer
The English above give a general sense, rather than a specific intent, of who the Shari’ah intended to benefit through the institution of Zakaat. To that end, only some of the above categories may qualify for a Saaberie Chishty Bursary viz:
How to apply
Click here to apply online for Saaberie Chishty Society: Zakaat Bursaries 2023