Sol Plaatje University (SPU): Online Registration 2022 / 2023

Sol Plaatje University (SPU): Online Registration 2022 / 2023
Sol Plaatje University (SPU) invites prospective students who applied to study for 2022 / 2023 academic year to register online.
Registration Dates 2022
Sol Plaatje University (SPU) registration dates will be update here once confirmed
ALL first-time entering students are required to:
- come to the University in order to be assisted with the process of their online registration;
- NB: adhere to the dates specified in the set Registration Process Guide found above
To use the ITS Student iEnabler System for registration, the user must have a valid student number, email address and a unique five-digit pin (which is sent to the student’s email address, in an automated fashion, by the system).
Login details are as follows:
Username: student number
Password: unique five-digit pin
(if students have forgotten their pin, they can select the “forgot pin” button and the system will to route to their email address, captured on the system)
How to register
First-time entering students should:
- have completed the National Senior Certificate or equivalent;
- have submitted an application in to study at SPU and be eligible for registration in terms of the minimum requirements for the respective programme applied for and have submitted all required documentation during the application process;
- have received a firm offer (via email/sms, shortly after the release of the matriculation results) to register for the 2021 academic year;
- have accepted the firm offer by email to, if they wish to register;
- check their status on the Student iEnabler System if you have been waitlisted, and, if so, wait to be informed of the final decision and not contact the University until confirmation has been received via email/sms;
- check the latest lecturing timetable, on the online portal, before you register for particular modules in order to avoid timetable clashes;
- register your modules, as follows:
- as they appear on the online registration page (if you have a fixed curriculum);
- for core modules only (if you are not certain about your curriculum, as electives can be added later)
Below are important registration documents that will help you with registering online. Click on the link to download a copy:
Step-by-Step Guidelines for Online Registration
Online Registration Guidelines