University of Johannesburg: Applications 2022 / 2023 (Online & UJ Application Forms)

University of Johannesburg: Applications 2022 / 2023 (Online & UJ Application Forms)
University of Johannesburg (UJ) encourage prospective students (Undergraduates) to apply online or paper based application forms as soon as possible for 2022 / 2023 academic year.
Application deadline is 30 September 2022 at 12:00
Institution: University of Johannesburg (UJ)
How to Apply
To apply to study at University of Johannesburg (UJ) go to: https://www.uj.ac.za/studyatUJ/sec/Pages/undergraduate.aspx
Important information – New applicants
- The university requires all undergraduate entrants to write the National Benchmark Test (NBT). More information as to dates, venues, tests, registration, and costs is available from the NBT website at www.uj.ac.za/nbt
- In the case of applicants re-writing Grade 12 subjects, applications will be processed on the current results available. If Grade 12 has been written more than once then your combined results must be submitted with your application.
- Applicants writing the National Senior Certificate (NSC) through IEB or SACAI examining bodies can apply online by selecting “National Senior Certificate” under the Results Detail page of the online application process.
- Applicants currently in Grade 12 may be requested to provide certified copies of final Grade 11 results for verification and auditing purposes.
- Applicants may only apply for two study choices. These study choices can’t be amended once they have been chosen.
- Knowing the qualification requirements will avoid disappointment when applying. Therefore, ensure you consult with the 2021 Undergraduate Prospectus when completing your application
Important information – Re-applicants/Transfer applicants/Senior applicants
- Applicants may only apply for two study choices. These study choices may not be amended once they have been chosen.
- Applicants already in possession of a UJ student number must use their existing student number when applying.
- Applicants interested in postgraduate studies (including B-Tech) please click here.
- To verify or update your cell number/email details – contact the UJ Call Centre on 011 559 4555.
Applicants transferring from another university/tertiary institution are required to upload a full academic record/transcriptand degree/diploma certificate (if applicable). Please refer to “Document upload requirements when applying online” belowfor more information on uploading of documents.
University contact numbers
Direct further enquiries
about your application to:
011 559 4555
cnr Kingsway and University Road
Auckland Park, Johannesburg
PO Box 524
Auckland Park
All International Applicants
For any assistance, you may contact the International
Office before applying:
APK: +27 11 559 4517
APB: +27 11 559 1027
DFC: +27 11 559 6510