SA Bursaries
Absa BMI: Bursary 2022
Absa BMI (Business, Mathematics and Informatics) invites qualifying students to apply for Bursary Programme 2022 academic year.
Bursary Application Closing Date: 20 September 2021
Absa BMI Bursary 2022 for Grade 12s (NWU Potch or Vaal Campus)
Each year we select a handful of talented top performers and provide with financial support enabling them to complete their education and potentially pursuing a career with us on qualifying.
The Absa BMI (Business Mathematics and Informatics) bursary is a bursary for students who have enrolled for one of the four qualifications provided by BMI, namely:
- Actuarial Sciences
- Quantitative Risk Management
- Business Analytics/Data Science
- Financial Mathematics
This programme covers Tuition, Registration, Accommodation, Laptop & Text Books.
Minimum requirements:
- The candidate must be a South African Citizen with bar coded ID
- A minimum of 70% in Mathematics and English in Grade 11.
How to apply
Click here to apply online for Absa BMI: Bursary 2022
Supporting documents required:
- Motivational letter, where motivation is given on why the bursary should be awarded to the candidate (no longer than 1 page)
- Grade 11 results (and most recent Matric results if available), and
- The candidate must have applied for and admitted into the BMI programme at NWU (or intending to apply).