SA Bursaries

Investec: High School Bursaries 2022

Investec invites qualifying students to apply for High School Bursary Programme 2022 academic year.

Bursary Application Closing Date: 30 September 2021

Investec are inviting students entering Grade 10, Grade 11 or Grade 12 in 2022, to apply for the High School Bursary Programme.

The purpose of the programme is to encourage the youth of South Africa to further their studies, which will hopefully result if them positively contributing to the economy, as well as the development of the country and becoming active participants of society.

In 2019, Investec provided 46 bursaries via the High School Bursary Programme and each year the company award bursaries to deserving youth.

Please note: students are NOT guaranteed a bursary if they meet all the requirements – it is a competitive award and there are a limited amount of bursaries available.


Applicants must satisfy the following minimum entry criteria before applying (please note that failure to satisfy all the requirements will lead to your application not being considered):

  • You must be a South African citizen
  • You must be entering Grade 10, Grade 11 or Grade 12 in 2022
  • You must have a strong academic record
  • You must be taking Pure Mathematics as a subject (NOT Mathematical Literacy)
  • You must shown good academic potential in Mathematics, Accounting and Science
  • You must have proven financial need
  • You must be enrolled to study at a school that meets the following criteria, for at least 1 year at the time of application:
    • The school must a minimum 90% Matric pass rate
    • The school must a minimum of 80% of Matrics qualifying for university entrance
    • The school must have a minimum of 75% of their students doing Pure Mathematics as a subject
    • The school must have a minimum of 50% of their students achieving at least 75% for Pure Mathematics (NOT Mathematical Literacy)
    • The school must have a minimum of 50% of their students achieving at least 80% for English

How to apply

Students who meet the eligibility criteria, can request an application form by emailing:

Students may be required to submit clear copies of the following supporting documentation with their application (note: this is only a guideline – the final list of required documents will be supplied to you with the application form):

  • ID document (certified copy)
  • Most recent school report (on school letterhead)
  • Letter from school principal (confirming the following: Matric pass rate, University acceptance rate, percentage of students taking Pure Maths as a subject, students average Pure Maths pass mark and students average English pass mark)
  • Parents/ guardians proof of household income (latest payslips if employed, affidavit if unemployed, proof of SASSA or pension grant if applicable)

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